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O intuito das informações abaixo é trazer, conhecimento a respeito das informações da sua Bioimpedância realizada com o seu profissional de saúde ou preparador Físico. 

Caso tenha duvidas nas informações descritas abaixo, pedimos que consulte seu profissional para mais explicações ou detalhes.​​

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The percentage of body fat is the ratio of fat to total body weight.

Body fat is essential for maintaining body temperature, cushioning joints and protecting internal organs.

Too much fat can harm your health in the long run. Reducing excessive levels of body fat has been shown to directly reduce the risk of certain conditions, such as hypertension, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

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Little body fat can lead to osteoporosis in later years, irregular periods in women and possible infertility. For a long period of time, this can lead to other health risks, such as loss of bone mass.

Therefore, it is important to maintain your body fat results compared to Tanita's healthy body fat ranges.

Based on the Gold Standard DEXA and also related research, Tanita has developed the following healthy body fat line for Asians and Caucasians, available between 5 and 99 years of age.

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Water plays a vital role in many of the body's processes and is found in all cells, tissues and organs. Maintaining a healthy percentage of total body water will ensure efficient body functioning and reduce the risk of developing associated health problems.

The body's water levels fluctuate naturally throughout the day and night. Water is lost continuously through urine, sweat and breathing. Eating large meals, drinking alcohol, menstruating, getting sick, exercising and showering can also cause variations in an individual's hydration levels!

The percentage of total body water tends to decrease as the percentage of body fat increases. A person with a high percentage of body fat may be below the average percentage of body water. As you lose body fat, the percentage of total body water should gradually move to the typical range provided above.

However, please note that reading the percentage of body water should serve as a guide and should not be used to specifically determine the recommended absolute percentage of total body water. It is important to look for long-term changes in the percentage and to maintain a consistent and healthy percentage of total body water.

Hid Corporal


The minimum daily level of energy or calories your body needs when at rest (including sleep) to function effectively.

The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the minimum daily level of energy or calories that your body needs during rest, for your respiratory and circulatory organs, neural system, liver, kidneys and other organs to function effectively.

BMR is very affected by the amount of muscle you have. Increasing muscle mass will help to increase BMR, which will increase the number of calories used and then decrease the amount of body fat.

Alternatively, a lower BMR will make it harder to lose body fat and total weight.

BMR is not the total number of calories you normally expend in a day - you must add calories for any activity that your body will perform. If you consume (eat) less calories than you burn, you will lose weight; and vice versa.

The Tanita body composition monitor can automatically calculate your BMR with clinically validated equations, based on the measured electrical impedance, your weight and personal data.

With this BMR data and also your activity level information, you can calculate how much you need to eat to stay at your current weight or even lose weight. A safe diet to lose weight should never have fewer calories than your BMR.

On Tanita body composition monitors, BMR would be displayed in kilocalories kcal or kilojoules kj. They are just different classifications, such as centigrade and fahrenheit.

Taxa Basal


The expected weight of the muscle in your body.

We are a family owned and operated business that has been in the business for over 30 years.

Muscle mass includes skeletal muscles, smooth muscles, such as cardiac and digestive muscles, and the water contained in those muscles. The muscles act as a motor in the consumption of energy.

We are a family owned and operated business that has been in the business for over 30 years.

As your muscle mass increases, the rate at which you burn energy (calories) increases, which speeds up your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and helps to reduce excess body fat levels and lose weight in a healthy way.

A high level of muscle mass can reduce the risk of developing diabetes in adulthood. More skeletal muscle means more insulin receptor sites, which help in the uptake and regulation of glucose (sugar) deposited in the bloodstream after feeding. 80% of glucose uptake occurs in skeletal muscle, so the more, the easier it will be for the body to regulate insulin levels and minimize excess fat.

In the elderly, muscle mass is particularly important for maintaining mobility, supporting joints and maintaining a good balance, helping to minimize the risk of falls and fractures. A good or high level of muscle mass is also quickly becoming recognized as a key indicator of longevity. Muscle tissue naturally decreases with age. A person can lose up to 50% of his muscle mass between the ages of 20 and 90 - another reason why it is important to keep muscle mass levels within the healthy range at all stages of life.



Determinar a massa muscular esquelética apendicular (MMEA) é de grande importância para monitorar o estado nutricional e evitar síndromes geriátricas, como a incapacidade motora, relacionada à sarcopenia e intimamente associada à perda de MMEA. No entanto, a medição da massa muscular requer técnicas especificas

Massa Esquelética
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Visceral fat is located deep in the central abdominal area, surrounding and protecting vital organs.

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Visceral Fat (Abdominal Fat) is the fat that surrounds the vital organs in the trunk / stomach area of ​​the body. For a quick and easy explanation - try to tighten your belly muscles and squeeze the fat through your navel. What you can pinch is subcutaneous fat (under the skin), not visceral fat. Visceral fat is the fat that you can't squeeze - it's on the inside of the muscle wall. Typically, this type of fat is most often found at high levels in middle-aged men (often referred to as beer belly). Men have a genetic predisposition to accumulate fat in this way, while women are more likely to store fat subcutaneously. (Subcutaneous fat has been shown to be associated with the nutrition required by a developing fetus and breastfeeding).

Elevated levels of visceral fat increase the risk of hypertension, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Reducing levels of visceral fat can substantially stabilize the action of insulin and reduce the risk of diabetes and other related diseases.

Gord Visceral


Metabolic age is calculated by comparing an individual's Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) with the average BMR of his chronological age group.

We are a family owned and operated business that has been in the business for over 30 years.

If your metabolic age is greater than your actual age, you will need to reconsider your current lifestyle and diet plan; increased exercise creates healthy muscle tissue, which in turn improves metabolic age. We once measured a very fit former professional football player, with a metabolic age of 17 in his 70s!

Idade Metabólica
grupo de fitness


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It evaluates the levels of muscle and body fat and classifies the result as one of the nine body types.

We are a family owned and operated business that has been in the business for over 30 years.

As a person increases their activity levels, their weight may not change, but their balance of body fat and muscles may change, which will change the user's overall physique.

We are a family owned and operated business that has been in the business for over 30 years.

The physical classification on Tanita body composition monitors offers the user the opportunity to track their physique while following their health / fitness program.

We are a family owned and operated business that has been in the business for over 30 years.

According to the levels of body fat and muscle mass, the Monitor will assess your physique in the following categories.

Av Física
Ingestão Calórica.png


An estimate of how many calories you can consume in a day to maintain your current weight. In addition to TMB, it also includes the calories consumed in daily activities, that is, a person's activity level is also taken into account.

In order to calculate your daily energy requirement, we need to examine two aspects:

  • Basal metabolic rate (BMR) - the energy your body needs to maintain basic bodily functions, such as breathing, heart rate and temperature regulation.

  • Energy for Activity - the energy your body needs to move, according to your physical activity level (PAL).

The basic equation is:

Your total energy requirement = BMR + Energy for the activity

BMR is responsible for approximately 60% of your daily energy needs. It is calculated according to body weight, although other factors such as age, sex, height and body composition must be taken into account.

Your remaining energy needs are based on the amount of activity you perform each day. Your level of physical activity will fall into one of the four categories described below:

  • Level 1: Inactive lifestyle (you sit most of the day and drive or cycle whenever possible. You do little or no exercise).

  • Level 2: Moderately active lifestyle (you sit most of the day, but do occasional low-intensity exercise).

  • Level 3: Very active lifestyle / athlete (you are involved in an intense aerobic exercise program of more than 10 hours a week with a resting heart rate below 60 bpm and / or your job requires heavy physical work).

The category you fall into will determine what percentage your BMR will need to be increased in order to provide you with your total energy requirement. For example, if you lead a very active lifestyle, you will need to multiply your BMR by another 50% approximately.

Ingestão Cal
Exercício básico


Estimated weight of bone mineral in your body.

We are a family owned and operated business that has been in the business for over 30 years.

This result is obtained by means of statistical calculation based on research results that there is a close correlation with bone weight and FFM (Fat Free Mass).

We are a family owned and operated business that has been in the business for over 30 years.

While your bone mass is unlikely to undergo noticeable changes in the short term, it is important to maintain healthy bones by having a balanced diet rich in calcium and doing lots of weight lifting exercises. You should monitor your bone mass over time and look for any long-term changes.

You can refer to the following estimated bone mass result for people aged 20 to 40 as a guide for comparing your bone mass reading.

Massa Mineral


A standardized weight-to-height ratio, used as a general health indicator.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The BMI can be found by making a simple account which is:


So with that, you can see your result in your report issued by your nutritionist and according to the international WHO classification, your BMI profile in the classification below.



A sarcopenia é caracterizada por uma progressiva redução de massa, força e desempenho musculares, pode estar associada a diversas outras morbidades ocasionando aumento do risco de eventos adversos como: incapacidade física e perda da qualidade de vida. O tratamento da sarcopenia envolve antes de tudo, mudanças no estilo de vida pela possibilidade de prevenção nos estágios iniciais com a prática de atividade física e nutrição de formas adequadas. Com a evolução da patologia, ainda continua sendo imprescindível essas mudanças, associadas com as intervenções higienodietéticas com o uso de medicamentos e suplementos.

O termo sarcopenia se refere a uma redução de massa muscular, diminuição de força muscular, declínio da velocidade de contração muscular e piora do desempenho físico, podendo ocorrer a substituição do tecido muscular por tecido gorduroso.

O processo acarreta na queda do desempenho muscular, ou seja, massa, força, potência e resistência, causando um impacto direto na autonomia e qualidade de vida do paciente diminuindo então a sua força muscular.

Etiologia da Sarcopenia

A sarcopenia pode ter origem primária ou secundária, sendo cada uma delas caracterizadas como:

Origem Primária: quando é associada com o processo de envelhecimento.

Origem secundária: quando se relaciona com outros fatores que podem desencadear a patologia, dentre eles:

  • inatividade física;

  • repouso prolongado;

  • falta de condicionamento físico;

  • estilo de vida sedentário;

  • fatores nutricionais, como ingestão de forma inadequada de proteínas e energia, e má absorção por desordens gastrointestinais;

  • uso de medicamentos que podem causar anorexia;

  • patologias relacionadas à falência orgânica avançada;

  • distúrbios endócrinos e inflamatórios;

  • anormalidades metabólicas (principalmente em carboidratos, lipídios e proteínas);

  • alterações na ativação das células satélites;

  • maioria das doenças crônicas como câncer, infecções, doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, insuficiência renal crônica, e insuficiência cardíaca congestiva.

Quais os sintomas da Sarcopenia

Os indivíduos com sarcopenia geralmente apresentam fragilidades como perda de peso não intencional, exaustão, fraqueza, velocidade de marcha lenta e pouca atividade física que podem levar a prejuízos na homeostase e redução da capacidade do organismo para suportar o estresse, fazendo com que fique vulnerável a diversos eventos de saúde, como quedas, institucionalização, hospitalização e mortalidade.

Formula da Sarcopenia

Soma da massa não adiposa, dividido pela altura em metros ao quadrado.


Homens ; > 7,26 KG/M²

Mulheres: > 5,5 KG/M²

Qualidade Muscular

*Para Tanita RD545

A pontuação de qualidade muscular única de Tanita indica a condição (qualidade) dos músculos, que depende de fatores como idade e nível de esforço. 

Você é tão forte quanto parece?


Algumas pessoas têm músculos enormes, mas não conseguem levantar muito. Não só a quantidade conta quando se trata de seus músculos, a qualidade também é muito importante. Mesmo dentro de seu próprio corpo, a qualidade de seus músculos pode ser diferente. Se, por exemplo, seu braço esquerdo tem músculos de melhor qualidade do que o direito, um desequilíbrio em seu corpo está à espreita. Isso, por sua vez, pode levar a lesões.


A partir dos 18 anos é possível avaliar a qualidade dos seus músculos. Isso é avaliado com base na relação entre a massa muscular e a altura.


Medir a qualidade muscular é fácil com a balança de análise corporal RD545 HR segmentar da TANITA, ambas com o índice de qualidade muscular exclusivo.

Por que a qualidade do músculo difere?

Seus músculos consistem em dois tipos principais de tecido. Em primeiro lugar, há tecido contrátil. Como o nome sugere, isso contrai e produz força. O outro tipo é o tecido não contrátil. Este consiste em tecido conjuntivo e gordura. O tecido conjuntivo mantém o músculo unido e a gordura fornece energia. Quanto mais tecido contrátil um músculo consiste, mais forte ele é e maior a qualidade do músculo. Como dito, você precisa de algum tecido não contrátil. No entanto, se os níveis de gordura forem especialmente altos, o músculo será menos forte e a qualidade muscular será menor. O envelhecimento também afeta negativamente a qualidade de seus músculos de diferentes maneiras.

Diferenças dentro de uma pessoa

Essas diferenças na qualidade muscular não são apenas um fator entre os indivíduos. Pode até haver diferenças dentro de uma pessoa. Por exemplo, em um corredor, o músculo da perna esquerda pode ser mais forte que o da direita. A perna esquerda então produz mais força do que a direita. Isso pode ter um impacto negativo na postura de seus quadris e até mesmo levar a lesões.

Melhorando sua qualidade muscular

Sabemos que mais tecido contrátil significa melhor qualidade muscular. Isso significa que há duas coisas que podemos fazer para melhorar o nosso: fortalecer nosso tecido contrátil ou diminuir a quantidade de tecido não contrátil. Felizmente, o treinamento de força ajuda com essas duas coisas. Portanto, mesmo se você for um ávido corredor, pode ser uma boa ideia pegar alguns pesos.

                        Relatorio Muscular da RD545


Qualidade Muscular
Casal correndo na lagoa


O índice muscular esquelético (SMI) é um parâmetro importante para medir a composição corporal. Baixo SMI indica a presença de sarcopenia, uma condição geralmente induzida por múltiplas causas, incluindo falta de exercício, disfunção endócrina, doenças crônicas, inflamação sistêmica e desnutrição

Treino de boxe

WHR ou Índice de Cintura Quadril

O que é:

A sigla para waist-to-hip relation, método inventado pela psicóloga Devendra Singh, da Universidade do Texas (EUA), para medir a simetria do corpo feminino, dividindo a medida da cintura (waist)  pela dos quadris (hip).


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